All content provided on this blog are owned by me, Rachel Lynn, unless otherwise noted. Portions of my content may be used by other, similar in nature, blogs, articles, magazines, etc. as stated:
If you would like to include a (1) standard* photo or a small section of text (50 words or less) from one of my posts, you may do so provided that a link back to the post is included as a reference, and that the written content and intent remains unchanged.
By using any of my written material, you agree that it will be republished in its original form. By using any of my photographs, you agree that they (the photos) will be republished in a manner representative of their original intent with no alteration, including but not limited to the removal of watermarks or branding logos. However, none of the personal photos (such as photos of my family or my children) may be used without prior written consent by me. They are provided here only as a means for the viewer to get to know me.
If you have a question concerning the use of my content, or if you see material or content on this blog that you believe to be a violation of your intellectual property rights, please Contact me to resolve the issue.
* Standard photos are a single image and does not include my collages or long “Pin It” images. “Pin It” Images are created solely for the purpose of Pinterest users, and may not be used on any other site or blog.