We all want to put our best foot forward when it comes to making videos. But occasionally, we inadvertently make mistakes. If you are just making Youtube videos for a personal channel, you may not be concerned with these issues. But if you are creating videos as part of your blogging or vlogging career, these 13 video mistakes will make you look unprofessional to your viewers and cause you to lose sponsorships
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Creating Jump Links Without a Plugin
Have you ever wondered how to send viewers straight to a pertinent piece of information in a post/page? We call those jump links or anchor links, and they frequently occur within a table of contents or as a way to direct viewers to recipe cards, lists, or a different page. Creating a jump link is quite easy and a great little trick to have in your arsenal.

Add Nofollow Navigation Links In WordPress
The proper use of relationship tags is a vital part of SEO. Most people first learn the concept when inserting text links within a blog post or page. But, there are also times when it may be beneficial to use nofollow tags in your navigation menu links.

Travel Compliant Documentation – REAL ID Cards
Oh, the wonderful hoops that Homeland Security comes up with for us mere mortals to jump through. Beginning in 2020, they have yet another requirement for anyone planning to hop on an airline. It is called the REAL ID, and you must have this travel document on or before October 01, 2020.

How to Determine Self-Employment Tax
When you first start your small business, or you receive your first self-employment paycheck, you may begin to wonder about the process of paying your taxes. Of those taxes, the self-employment tax is often the most frequently misunderstood. This guide will explain what the self-employment tax is and how to determine what you owe.

Which Business Travel Expenses are Tax Deductible?
For most small business owners, traveling for business purposes is a normal occurrence. But, when that first event arises, you may be left wondering how to document your travel expenses. Even more, you may not know exactly which small business travel expenses are tax-deductible.

What is an employer identification number?
What is an employer identification number and do I need one? Both are really great questions. It can be a bit confusing sometimes to understand all of the ins and outs of being self-employed.
Because there are so many possible scenarios for this topic, I will try to be as general as possible. However, you should note that I am mostly speaking to bloggers, freelancers, and the like. So, take that into consideration as you read through this post.

December Income and Traffic Report
I can’t believe that I have done an entire year of income reports! It has been a wild ride this year, and December is finishing off with its own chaotic signature. So, let’s jump right into the income and traffic report for December and see what happened.

November Income and Traffic Report
November was what I perceive to be the beginning of a not so great start to the end of the year. Normally, I am ecstatic when the 3rd quarter rolls around because the earnings are usually out of the park. While the November income report shows a good increase over the previous year, it was definitely not what I was expecting.

Business Activity Code for Bloggers and Related Businesses
One question many bloggers have about what they do is how to label what they do. Am I a blogger? Am I a graphic designer who just happens to blog? Am I a travel expert? etc. Normally, it is nothing more than a bothersome dilemma that occurs when one is developing their elevator pitch. That is until you’re filling out your tax return and the IRS presents you with that empty box requesting a business activity code. WHAT???

How to Increase Holiday Income
The best income opportunities for a blogger or influencer come during the holiday season. If you are not tapping into this opportunity, you are really missing the boat. If you don’t know where to start, take a look at these tried and true methods to increase your holiday income.

Income & Traffic Report for October
Yes! It is finally the beginning of the last quarter and time for my October income report. October is the beginning of the holiday season for most advertisers. It is also the highest income-producing months for many blogging niches.

September Income and Traffic Report
This month marks the official beginning of the IRS’s last quarter of the year. It also marks the beginning of several other significant events that can affect the bottom line for bloggers. So, let’s dive in and see how everything played out for the September monthly income report.

Blogger’s Insurance and Why You Need It!
Did you know that blogger’s insurance and insurance for vloggers, influencers, and other media publishing jobs is a real thing? Well, it is. And if you are actively doing any of those, you may want to consider investing in coverage for yourself and/or your small business. Here’s why.

Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers – Is Your Blog Ready?
I often get questions from new bloggers surrounding the issue of ads and affiliate marketing. Most of the time, they want to know how many visitors they need before they should accept advertising or become an affiliate. Well, that is really a loaded question, because every blog is different. Some people seem to become profitable with very little following. While, others struggle even after they reach high numbers.