I have to say that March is probably my favorite month of the year. The weather is starting to warm up. Flowers are starting to bloom. My gears are starting to turn. In general, I am just more productive during this time of the year, as the March 2019 income report reflects.
February 2019 Income Report
Hope everyone enjoyed last month. I, for one, am quite pleased with my February 2019 income report! In the past years, February has presented itself with a slight downturn for me. For starters, it has 3 days less than January, which means it begins with the odds stacked against it.
January 2019 Income Report
Well, folks! This is my first ever, blogging, income report! I can’t believe that I am actually doing this! That is to say, I can’t believe that I am going to share my income details. Back when I first started out blogging over on Queen Bee of Honey Dos, I had absolutely no intention of sharing my personal numbers with anyone except advertisers and the IRS.