We all want to put our best foot forward when it comes to making videos. But occasionally, we inadvertently make mistakes. If you are just making Youtube videos for a personal channel, you may not be concerned with these issues. But if you are creating videos as part of your blogging or vlogging career, these 13 video mistakes will make you look unprofessional to your viewers and cause you to lose sponsorships
December Income and Traffic Report
I can’t believe that I have done an entire year of income reports! It has been a wild ride this year, and December is finishing off with its own chaotic signature. So, let’s jump right into the income and traffic report for December and see what happened.
November Income and Traffic Report
November was what I perceive to be the beginning of a not so great start to the end of the year. Normally, I am ecstatic when the 3rd quarter rolls around because the earnings are usually out of the park. While the November income report shows a good increase over the previous year, it was definitely not what I was expecting.
Income & Traffic Report for October
Yes! It is finally the beginning of the last quarter and time for my October income report. October is the beginning of the holiday season for most advertisers. It is also the highest income-producing months for many blogging niches.
September Income and Traffic Report
This month marks the official beginning of the IRS’s last quarter of the year. It also marks the beginning of several other significant events that can affect the bottom line for bloggers. So, let’s dive in and see how everything played out for the September monthly income report.